Got Fail?

We NEVER have enought fail. Failure is human nature. Find a fail. Click a pic and send it to For more information look at our disclaimer at the bottom of the page! Remember Faill is spelled with 2 L's!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Well all those kids on the grass did that to it.
Now you know why there is a sign

Engrish Fail

Ok one other thing they are telling people who don't speak
English to speak English IN ENGLISH!
Via Google Search

Ugly Win

Truck Fail

On the bright side... the crate won

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Stop Fail

Monday, April 6, 2009

Landing Fail

You were good right up to the point when you hit
the other plane


Engine Fail

*Tone* We are be experiencing engine problems curently.
Have a nice day.

Almost Epic Fail